Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон и его супруга сегодня посетили Мемориальный комплекс жертвам Геноцида армян, где возложили цветы к вечному огню и почтили минутой молчания память жертв Геноцида армян.
Макрон также посадил ель в парке Мемориального комплекса.
President of France Emmanuel Macron pays a visit to the Armenian Genocide memorial complex within the framework of his visit to Yerevan, Armenia
President of France Emmanuel Macron pays a visit to the Armenian Genocide memorial complex within the framework of his visit to Yerevan, Armenia
President of France Emmanuel Macron pays a visit to the Armenian Genocide memorial complex within the framework of his visit to Yerevan, Armenia
President of France Emmanuel Macron pays a visit to the Armenian Genocide memorial complex within the framework of his visit to Yerevan, Armenia
President of France Emmanuel Macron pays a visit to the Armenian Genocide memorial complex within the framework of his visit to Yerevan, Armenia
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