Вчера вечером во всех храмах Армянской Апостольской Церкви была отслужена Святая Литургия Сочельника.
В церкви Сурб Саргис на литургии присутствовал также мэр Еревана Айк Марутян с супругой — Ивой Марутян, которая получила благословение от местоблюстителя главы Араратской Патриаршей Епархии, архиепископа Тер-Навасарда Кчояна.
Christmas Divine Liturgy and ‘Water Blessing’ ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy and ‘Water Blessing’ ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy and ‘Water Blessing’ ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy and ‘Water Blessing’ ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy and ‘Water Blessing’ ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Divine Liturgy ceremony was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Eve Candlelight Divine Liturgy was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral of Yerevan, Armenia
Christmas Eve Candlelight Divine Liturgy was served at the Saint Sarkis Cathedral of Yerevan, Armenia